Join the adventures of Virginia Vogt, budding actress!
How many times can I say "headshot session" in two and a half minutes?
I booked my first Atlanta gig: a background role on the television series "The Originals."
New activity in a new city! Join me on my first overlanding adventure!
Where I have my first costume fitting, and first experience on an actual studio!
Where I learn how to take care of my face!
Where I have my second background gig in Atlanta. Fun times were had, important decisions were made.
Where I discuss researching a talent agent! (Bonus feature: watching my hair slowly fall on the back of my head...)
I talk with friend and fellow budding actress Mudra Sanghvi about self-taping auditions: pros, cons, and the weirdness in between.
Join me for a behind the scenes look at a headshot session!